ITALIANO: Svetlana Borisova è un’artista internazionale vincitrice di numerosi premi raccolti nel corso della sua carriera artistica. Qui di seguito sono presentati alcuni dei riconoscimenti ottenuti.

ENGLISH: Svetlana Borisova is an international artist who has won numerous awards throughout her artistic career. Below are some of the awards received

2023: LUXEMBOURG ART PRIZE organized by La Pinacothèque of Luxembourg, Certificate of High Artistic Quality issued by the Museum’s Selection Committee for the artworks presented

2023: MONTECARLO, Biancoscuro Art Contest Summer Edition, Winner of the BIANCOSCURO COVER AWARD with the artwork WOMEN’S GARDEN

2023: PAVIA, Biancoscuro Art Contest, Winter Edition, Winner of the ART SHOW in VERNICE ART FAIR with the artwork ARCTIC CHRISTMAS ALIAS MY BIRTHLAND

2022: Milan, Museum of Art and Science. Winner of the "Acquars II” International Art Exhibition with the artwork THE OBSERVER

2022: Pavia, Biancoscuro Art Contest Summer Edition. Winner of the Biancoscuro ART MAGAZINE AWARD with the artworks THE PASSAGE and A NEVER WRITTEN BOOK

2022: Pavia, Biancoscuro Art Contest Winter Edition. Winner of Biancoscuro ART SHOW AWARD in VERNICE ART FAIR with the artwok THE PERFECTION OF CHAOS

2021: BUDAPEST, International Contemporary Art Prize "City of Budapest". Winner of 2ND PLACE AWARD with the artwork Cosmic River